Retirement from active football: All childhood dreams fulfilled: Plattenhardt ends career


Former international player Marvin Plattenhardt has said goodbye to active football. The former Hertha BSC and 1. FC Nuremberg defender, who had been without a club since the summer of 2023 after 278 Bundesliga games, has drawn a line under it despite several inquiries from clubs from other countries.

“Now the point has come where I say: ‘Finished!’ I’m hanging up my boots,” the 32-year-old told Bild. “Between summer 2023 and the end of January 2024, there were a few talks with clubs in various countries, but the overall package was not suitable for me in terms of my family and company. I just didn’t want to do that.”

Complete alternative found

The seven-time national player, who turned down a reduced offer from the club after Hertha was relegated in the summer of 2023, has founded a company with his wife Sara that produces a vegan milk alternative made from pistachios. Through the new job, he has now found an alternative that fully fulfills him. In addition, you get forgotten when you’re out for a while.

“It’s crazy when you see how many names, including top-class players, are still on the list of players without a club,” said Plattenhardt. “I didn’t want to continue at all costs. So I’ve now made this decision for myself and I’m absolutely fine with it.”

But the standard specialist looks back on his career without regret. “A wonderful and great time,” says Plattenhardt. He can “say that all my childhood dreams have come true.”

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