“We are against them coming from another country and trying to establish some kind of security or control.” Ambassador of Iran


“We are against other countries coming here and trying to establish some kind of security or control,” Iranian Ambassador to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani stated today, responding to the question of how Azerbaijan evaluates the possibility of outsourcing the security of the road connecting Syunik to Nakhichevan to a private security company. .

More on that the other day Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke. In response, the Iranian ambassador stressed that they are in favor of all this being implemented under the sovereignty of Armenia.

“We are on the side that any control should be from Armenia. We are against other countries coming here and trying to establish some kind of security or control. And what was conveyed by the Armenian authorities is that the border checkpoints will be controlled by the relevant authorities of Armenia and under the sovereignty of Armenia. To the extent that it was transferred to me, it does not mean that the security should be handed over to some international organization. In other words, the representative of the given trading company can be present during the transportation of the cargo. It was conveyed to me that security and control will be provided by the Armenian government and Armenian bodies,” the Iranian ambassador to Armenia said.

Iran’s foreign minister earlier today Abbas Araghchi announcedthat any threat to territorial integrity of neighbors or redrawing of borders is a red line for Tehran.

Prime Minister Pashinyan announced the other day that they are ready to provide a way for Azerbaijan to connect with Nakhichevan, without questioning Armenia’s territorial integrity and inviolability of borders. As an option, Pashinyan spoke for the first time about outsourcing the security function to a private security organization. The Prime Minister did not mention details, he only said that this perception of the Armenian side is received positively both in Baku and Moscow.

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