Good deeds in this world determine blessings in the afterlife


By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 6 SEPT – As a Muslim, every moment of life should be used with righteous deeds because every deed done during life will give rewards in the afterlife, where life in this world is only temporary, while life in the afterlife is eternal.

That matter was emphasized in today’s Friday Sermon entitled Supply To The Eternal Realmwhere the preacher called on Muslims to increase charity as an effort to gain blessings in the afterlife. According to him, charity is a practice whose reward continues to flow even after the perpetrator has died, until the Day of Judgment.

Khatib also shared seven types of practices that are classified as charitable deeds, with the first one being to spread beneficial knowledge. Knowledge that is taught, whether through formal or informal education, will continue to reward those who spread it as long as the knowledge is practiced by others.

In addition, the second practice that is classified as alms jariah is to leave a pious child who always does good in the world and prays for both his parents.

The good deeds done by pious children will flow the reward to the parents who educate them, without reducing the reward received by the children.


The sermon also emphasized how important it is for Muslims to always try to improve the practice of preaching which will be a provision in the afterlife.

Prayer from pious children to parents is a mustajab prayer, therefore it is important for parents to educate children to be pious and pious.

According to the preacher, among the practices of charity that need to be increased include bequeathing religious books to those who can benefit, such as religious schools and public libraries, where as long as the books are still in use, the reward for the waqf will continue to flow.

In addition, building a mosque is also included in charity work which is highly recommended.

The Government of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah has given the opportunity to Muslims in this country to participate in building mosques through the Brunei Darussalam Mosque Construction Fund.

Among other practices that are encouraged include building inns for travelers, running clean water for public use and giving charity sincerely. Assets that are waqf for the purpose of Islamic education, welfare centers and other good deeds will give continuous rewards to the waqf.

Khatib also called on Muslims not to love the blessings of this world so much that they ignore the needs of the hereafter. Charitable charity and good deeds done sincerely will be the best supply in the afterlife.

“Continue to invest in the afterlife with charity because the reward will continue to flow like river water, whether during life or after death,” added the preacher at the end of his sermon.

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