Drive-by shooting: Rapper dies from gunshots


After fatal shootings in Berlin-Schöneberg, the police are still searching for the perpetrators. According to dpa information, they were sitting in a car with Bulgarian license plates. Media previously reported.

The unknown assailants are said to have shot a 42-year-old man and his 44-year-old companion from the car. According to the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, the younger man died of his gunshot wounds. He was a Berlin rapper and social worker. The other man, who was the victim’s brother according to Bild, was injured. An innocent bystander (42) was also injured and underwent surgery in hospital.

Witness interviews and evaluation of video recordings

The background to the crime on the busy Bülowstrasse at the corner of Potsdamer Strasse, which is considered to be part of the red-light district, remains unclear. A spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office said that investigations are being carried out in all directions. Possible witnesses are being questioned and recordings from video cameras in the area are being evaluated.

According to the report in the “Bild” newspaper, the shooting was preceded by an argument on Mehringdamm. The brothers encountered a group of four in a car with Bulgarian license plates, the newspaper quoted a brother of the victim as saying. However, the situation initially resolved itself.

The people involved are said to have met again later – and what is known as a drive-by shooting occurred. The term is used for shooting while driving past.

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