What will become of Tempelhofer Feld?


The future use of Tempelhofer Feld is to be discussed in several so-called dialogue workshops. 275 randomly selected Berliners have been invited to take part. The event will kick off this weekend on Tempelhofer Feld itself. According to the city development administration, the main aim of the event will be to get to know the former airport site at Platz der Luftbrücke in Tempelhof.

The history of the site, where imperial soldiers have exercised, where the Nazis have organized mass marches, where US candy bombers have landed during the Berlin Airlift, and where tens of thousands of Berliners have gone on vacation, is only one aspect. The current importance of the approximately 300-hectare area for urban society, for the climate, and for sports and leisure use will also be taken into account.

Guided tours and short presentations

Among other things, tours of the historic airport buildings are planned. There will also be several short presentations on topics such as urban development, climate protection in Berlin and the results of a workshop with almost 200 children and young people who dealt with the Tempelhofer Feld.

The aim is to reflect, ten years after the referendum on the Tempelhofer Feld law, on what role the huge site can play in the future development of the city.

The next dialogue workshop is planned for September

Following the successful referendum in 2014, building on the area where the former runways have been preserved is legally prohibited. However, the black-red coalition would like to build housing at least on the edges of the field. How this could be made legally possible is still an open question.

After the first dialogue workshop on Saturday and Sunday, the next one is scheduled to take place on September 22nd. An international ideas competition is also planned, into which the results of the discussions will be incorporated. It is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2025.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240907-930-225591/1

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