Scholz expects second term


Even after the recent election debacles and despite criticism within the party, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is sticking to his candidacy for chancellor in the 2025 federal election. He is “firmly counting on the SPD and I receiving such a strong mandate in 2025 that we will also lead the next government,” the SPD politician told the “Tagesspiegel”.

“Governing is not getting any easier, so we should do it,” said the Chancellor. His goal is “an SPD-led federal government.” When asked whether the thought of four more years of a traffic light government was not wearing him down, Scholz replied: “I am a runner and I have good fitness. You need that too.”

Scholz: Pistorius also wants me to run again

He is worried that there will be “many implausible proposals” before the next election. “An honest and truthful view of reality can quickly get lost in that.” It will be about character and honesty. “It is important to the SPD and to me to formulate pragmatic and realistic ideas about how Germany can really move forward.”

With regard to poor poll ratings, Scholz said he had long since decided never to comment on polls. He takes note of polls. “But basing politics on polls is never a good idea. In fact, I have won several elections in my political life even though polls did not suggest this.”

When asked whether he would let Defense Minister Boris Pistorius run for chancellor if he came to the conclusion that the SPD would have a better chance with him, the Chancellor replied: “Boris Pistorius, like many others, wants me to run for chancellor again. I see it exactly the same way.”

Last Sunday, the SPD achieved its worst election results to date in Thuringia and Saxony, with 6.1 and 7.3 percent respectively. The result in Thuringia was actually the worst ever in a state election.

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