Thousands of visitors expected at Lollapalooza Festival


Top musical acts and high summer temperatures await visitors to the Lollapalooza Festival this weekend in Berlin. During the two-day event on the Olympic grounds, concerts by rapper Shirin David (“Bauch Beine Po”), British singer Sam Smith (“I’m Not The Only One”), rapper Cro (“Easy”) and Nigerian Afrobeat musician Burna Boy (“City Boys”) will take place.

The organizers are expecting around 55,000 festival guests on both days, a spokeswoman for the German Press Agency said. “Many ticket categories are already sold out, but there is still a remaining contingent of regular day and weekend tickets.”

According to the information, there are enough free drinking water stations available on site. The water from the Olympic Stadium’s taps is also of drinking quality. According to the German Weather Service, maximum temperatures of between 30 and 33 degrees and plenty of sunshine are expected over the weekend.

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