Disabled sports president demands apology from Mockridge


After the verbal outbursts of presenter and comedian Luke Mockridge, Özcan Mutlu, president of the Berlin Disabled and Rehabilitation Sports Association, demanded an apology. “An outburst like no other. This cannot be dismissed as comedy or mere stupidity,” Mutlu told the German Press Agency, “such derogatory statements are absolutely unacceptable and deserve strong condemnation. Mockridge should be deeply ashamed and apologize immediately.”

In the podcast “Die Deutschen”, Mockridge and the moderators had denigrated handicapped athletes from the Paralympic Games. “This outburst also shows that we still have a lot to do as a society to ensure that inclusion does not remain an empty phrase,” said the former member of the Bundestag (Alliance 90/The Greens).

Mutlu, 56, had followed the competitions in Paris last week and was fascinated by the “wonderful spirit” of the games. “The Para athletes are not only outstanding athletes who achieve impressive performances, but also admirable people, strong fighters and role models for millions,” said Mutlu, referring to the last two days of the Paralympics this weekend: “I can only recommend everyone to visit the Paralympics or watch them on TV – it is simply inspiring!”

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