Two fugitive criminals arrested in Türkiye


Straubing (dpa) – Two criminals who escaped from a closed facility in Lower Bavaria have been caught again. They were caught in Turkey on August 30, police announced on Saturday. They escaped from the Straubing District Hospital on August 17 along with two other inmates. The other two men have already been arrested in Austria.

The third fugitive was noticed in a migration center in the city of Edirne in the Bulgarian-Greek-Turkish border triangle, the police said. During the investigation it turned out that he was one of the men who had fled from Straubing and was wanted on an arrest warrant. He was accompanied by another man who was then identified as the fourth fugitive, it was said.

One of the two, a 31-year-old Bosnian, was deported to Germany on Saturday morning and taken to a Bavarian correctional facility. The deportation of the second man, a 27-year-old Kosovar, to Germany is still being examined, police said.

The public prosecutor’s office and the criminal investigation department are investigating the four men on suspicion of hostage-taking and grievous bodily harm. They are said to have threatened an employee of the district hospital with death and thus forced the gate to be opened. According to the police, they are in correctional facilities for property and drug offenses.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240907-930-226047/2

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