Füchse Berlin win at the start in Eisenach


The Füchse Berlin have had a successful start to the new season of the Handball Bundesliga. Last season’s runner-up won against ThSV Eisenach in a heated atmosphere and with a lot of effort, 41:35 (19:17). The best Berlin scorers were Mathias Gidsel and Tim Freihöfer with twelve goals each.

Coach Jaron Siewert was still without the injured pivot Max Darj. Captain Paul Drux was back in the squad, however. His team initially struggled against the hosts’ offensive defense. The first three attacks all ended in a technical error. It was only thanks to the saves of goalkeeper Dejan Milosavljev that the Füchse did not fall far behind at the beginning.

As the game progressed, the visitors improved their attack. They also punished Eisenach’s mistakes with quick counterattacks. After just over 23 minutes, the Füchse were able to pull ahead by three goals for the first time (16:13). However, they conceded too many easy goals, especially from the outside positions.

After the break, the Berliners continued to push the pace and Eisenach could no longer keep up. After a good 40 minutes, the lead had grown to 28:22. But the hosts fought and the Füchse received too many time penalties. Eisenach caught up again, but the guests kept a cool head.

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