77 percent of Germans consider Scholz to be a weak leader


The external perception of the traffic light coalition has been poor for months. Migration, budget, citizen’s income – the list of conflicts in the government of SPD, Greens and FDP is longAccording to surveys, this has also Consequences for Chancellor Olaf Scholz among the voters.

According to a political barometer published on Sunday, 77 percent of respondents believe the SPD politician does not prevailIn the survey conducted by the research group for ZDF, only 17 percent said they had a different opinion. Six percent did not want to give an opinion.

Governing is not getting any easier, so let’s do it.

Olaf ScholzFederal Chancellor (SPD) in Tagesspiegel interview

For the survey, which the institute says is representative, 1,328 people were interviewed by telephone and online between September 3 and 5.

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The Chancellor and the traffic light coalition he leads did not fare well in a survey published on Saturday either. According to the survey conducted by the Insa Institute for Bild am Sonntag, 74 percent of respondents are not satisfied with the work of the federal government – four percentage points more than in the survey two weeks ago. With the work of Scholz According to this survey, 70 percent are dissatisfied (plus 6).

Despite poor poll results and the recent election debacle, Scholz is sticking to his Candidacy for Chancellor in the 2025 federal election He expects “I am confident that the SPD and I will receive such a strong mandate in 2025 that we will also lead the next government”he had at the weekend in Interview with the Tagesspiegel said.

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“Governing is not getting any easier, so we should do it,” said the Chancellor. His goal is “an SPD-led federal government.” When asked whether the thought of four more years of a traffic light government was not wearing him down, Scholz replied: “I am a runner and I have good fitness. You need that too.”

With regard to poor poll results, Scholz said he had decided a long time ago never to comment on polls. He takes note of polls. “But basing politics on polls is never a good idea. Incidentally, I have won several elections in my political life, even though polls suggested otherwise.”

After the miserable result in the European elections with 13.9 percent – ​​the worst result in a nationwide election – the SPD also did well in the state elections last Sunday in Thuringia and Saxony with 6.1 and 7.3 percent lows a.

On 22 September, elections will be held in Brandenburg. The Social Democrats have been the Prime Minister there since 1990. Should the current head of government Dietmar Woidke fail after eleven years in power, observers have not ruled out a debate about Scholz’s candidacy for chancellor. In polls, the SPD in Brandenburg is in second place behind the AfD.

Election polls are generally always subject to uncertainty. Among other things, weakening party ties and always shorter-term voting decisions the opinion research institutes weight the data collected.

Basically, surveys only reflect the opinion at the time of the survey and are no predictions on the election outcome. (lem)

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