Federal government presents concept for tightening asylum law


On Tuesday, there will be new talks with the Union and the states about security and asylum policy. The Federal Government presented a proposal for a bill at the weekendto deal with the consequences of the Knife attack in Solingen It was examined under high pressure by the traffic light factions in the Bundestag over the weekend.

For a quick Legal implementation of the “security package” On Saturday night, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry of Justice sent a so-called “formulation aid” to the leaders of the traffic light factions, who are supposed to turn the text into a draft law, as the “Mirror” reported at the weekend.

This will be examined “under high pressure” but also “conscientiously”Green Party interior politician Konstantin von Notz told the AFP news agency. Given the risk of further Islamist attacks “The federal government, but also parliament, have a duty to act quickly.”

In focus There are tightening of asylum laws. The paper states: “In future, people who seek protection in the Federal Republic of Germany and who are granted protection will be denied or have their protection revoked if crimes were committed with an anti-Semitic, racist, xenophobic, gender-specific, anti-sexual orientation or other inhumane motive.”

Return home leads to withdrawal of asylum status

In addition, “Return journeys from recognized Beneficiaries usually lead to withdrawal of protection statusAnyone who enjoys asylum in Germany but travels to their home country to visit family, for example, must expect to lose their asylum status and be deported.

Anyone who commits “certain crimes using a weapon or other dangerous tool” can also expect to be deported. The federal government is also pushing Benefit cuts for asylum seekers required to leave the countryfor whose procedures another EU state is responsible – so-called Dublin cases, which were already registered elsewhere when they entered the EU. They should be “encouraged to return to the state responsible for examining their application in order to receive the reception benefits to which they are entitled there”.

Reforms in gun laws

Reforms in gun laws are intended to ensure fewer knives in public spaces. “The legal regulations are being tightened so that extremists and terrorists cannot acquire weapons and can be disarmed more easily,” the government paper states.

In future, at festivals, train stations and in public transport, Knives should be banned – “regardless of the length of the blade”. The police’s powers of control are to be expanded. Switchblades are specifically mentioned because they are “particularly dangerous”. In the future, when it comes to weapons that are subject to registration, the Federal Police and the Customs Criminal Investigation Office will also be consulted by authorities in order to assess whether someone is considered reliable.

The refugee organization Pro Asyl was appalled by the planned measures. With a complete exclusion of benefits for Dublin cases the federal government is “knowingly violating the Basic Law. Because it knows that any additional cuts to the already low benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act will raise serious constitutional concerns.”

In addition Most Dublin transfers failed due to the other Member States or the German authorities – even after the consent of the relevant member state, the aid organization emphasizes. And those affected are generally not allowed to return to the relevant EU state on their own. “Setting their benefits to zero, even though they can no longer change their situation, is not compatible with the jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Court. The social courts will certainly not accept this attack on human dignity.” (KNA, AFP)

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