Söder and Lindner call for drastic reduction in asylum applications


The CSU chairman and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has called for a significant limitation of the number of annual asylum applications in Germany. “Overall, the number must be significantly reduced to well under 100,000 in the long term because we are really overwhelmed,” Söder said on Sunday in the ARD program “Report from Berlin”. FDP leader Christian Lindner said in the same program: “I can take that number on board.”

Currently Around 300,000 asylum applications were submitted nationwide.

Germany is “overwhelmed by the consequences and integration – and not just when it comes to daycare centers, schools and housing,” Söder continued, adding: “But we are also partly culturally overwhelmed. In many German cities, even the German residents no longer feel at home. And the truth is simple: It has gotten too much for us.”

In view of the consequences of possible rejections of Migrants at Germany’s borders Söder said: “I am firmly convinced that Austria and many other countries would be happy if Germany were finally to become a central country in Europe. a migration policy as is common in Denmark.

In this respect, he is “on the same page” as Germany’s neighbouring countries. The federal government plans to hold new talks with the Union and the states on Tuesday about security and asylum policy.

FDP leader Christian Lindner spoke out in favor of “a form of rejection” of refugees at the border. At the same time, he supported the demand to reduce the number of initial asylum applications to below 100,000.

The CDU wasf Lindner in the migration debate“that they are trying to make party-political gains, that they are working tactically.” The CDU will not gain anything on the issue of immigration, said the Federal Finance Minister. “At most, it can strengthen the AfD and the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance.” (AFP)

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