Love behind the kitchen door


(Series 2)

By Rady HF –

Time passed quietly at Mr. Kamal’s house. However, calm does not mean no turmoil.

Mak Minah continues her life with a new determination to forget her feelings for her employer, Mr. Kamal. He realizes that the love he has kept all this time will bring nothing but sadness. However, as much as he tries to forget, the shadow of that love often haunts him.

That day, Mr. Kamal’s house became busy with preparations for a special dinner party. Mr. Kamal and Mrs. Hana are planning to hold a party for their business partners. Mak Minah was given a big responsibility to ensure that all the preparations went smoothly. She is busy in the kitchen, preparing sumptuous dishes, from appetizers to desserts.

“Minah, make sure everything goes smoothly tonight. My business partners are all important,” said Mr. Kamal with a familiar smile. However, the smile felt different this time in Mak Minah’s heart. There was something heavy in his chest every time he saw Mr. Kamal.

“Good, Mr. Kamal. I will make sure everything is perfect,” answered Mak Minah with full confidence, even though there was a turmoil in her heart that was difficult to calm down.

Mak Minah was given a big responsibility to ensure that all the dinner preparations went smoothly. – Canva

As always, the dinner went smoothly. The guests praised the meal prepared and Mr. Kamal seemed proud of Mak Minah’s hard work.

However, despite all that, Mak Minah’s heart is still in turmoil. He sat in the kitchen, listening to laughter and conversation from the dining room, while his hands were busy cleaning the leftovers from the sink.

However, something unexpected happened that night. When the ceremony was almost over and the guests began to disperse, Mr. Kamal came to the kitchen. He stood at the door, looking at Mak Minah who was wiping her hands with a kitchen towel.

“Minah, I want to say thank you. Tonight’s party was a success because of your efforts,” said Mr. Kamal with a tone full of appreciation.

Mak Minah smiled, but this time her smile was not as usual. There is genuine sincerity there, with no hidden feelings. “Alright, Mr. Kamal. That’s my job.”

However, something unexpected happened. When Mr. Kamal was about to turn to leave, he stopped for a moment. There was something playing on his mind. He looked at Mak Minah again, this time with a deeper look.

“Minah, I’ve noticed lately, you look different. Do you… is there something you want to tell me?” Mr. Kamal asked slowly.

The question made Mak Minah’s heart beat faster. He knew, that might be the most critical moment of his life. However, he also knows, the truth has to be faced, even if it hurts.

“Mr. Kamal,” Mak Minah began, her voice shaking a little. “I want to be honest. All this time, I kept a feeling that I shouldn’t. I… I love Mr. Kamal, more than an employer.”

Mr. Kamal was silent for a moment, surprised by the confession. He never thought that, all this time, the maid who was always loyal and dedicated, had such deep feelings for him. However, as a mature man, he knows how to handle this situation tactfully.

“Minah, I never knew you had this kind of feeling. But you have to understand, I am a husband and a father. I love my wife and children very much. What you feel is something very difficult and I understand how heavy it is for you,” said Mr. Kamal with an empathetic tone.

Mak Minah’s tears began to well up, but she held them back. “I know, Mr. Kamal.

That’s why I never dared to express. I just… I just need to let it go and I hope that by saying it, I can start to forget.”

Mr. Kamal nodded slowly. “I appreciate your honesty, Minah. And I hope, you will find true happiness one day. Maybe not here, but out there.”

That night, after Mr. Kamal left the kitchen, Mak Minah sat alone. He knows, this is the end of a secret that has been haunting his life. However, the confession provided some relief. He felt as if the weight that had been weighing on his chest had been lifted.

A few weeks after the incident, Mak Minah continued to work as usual, but now she felt calmer. He has begun to accept the reality and try to let go of unrequited love. However, something unexpected happened one day.

Puan Hana approached Mak Minah while they were sitting resting after breakfast. Puan Hana’s face looked serious, but there was a gentleness in her voice.

“Minah, I’ve noticed lately that you seem calmer. I’m not sure what happened, but I’m happy to see you happier,” said Puan Hana while looking at Mak Minah’s face.

Mak Minah smiled a little. “Thank you, Madam. I think it’s time for me to accept reality and learn to let go of what I can’t possibly have.”

Mrs. Hana nodded in understanding. “I hope you know, Kamal and I appreciate you very much. I also hope, if you need time for yourself, you can take a vacation and rest.”

Mak Minah was moved by Puan Hana’s kindness, but she knew that real rest is letting go of all the feelings that shouldn’t exist. He nodded and thanked Mrs. Hana, but in his heart, he knew what to do next.

Days passed and Mak Minah became more firm with her decision. However, one day, while he was cleaning the living room, the house phone rang. Mak Minah answered the call and her voice was almost in disbelief when she heard the voice on the other end of the line.

“Minah, this is me, Ali. Do you remember me?” the man’s voice on the line was full of the warmth of the past. Ali is Mak Minah’s first love, the man who left her many years ago.

Mak Minah was silent, not knowing how to answer. The feeling that he thought was dead, suddenly came back to life. Ali, the man who used to be her hope, now reappears in her life.

“Ali? How did you get my number?” Mak Minah asked with a trembling voice.

“I found out from your relatives in the village. I have been trying to contact you for a long time. I want to apologize, Minah. I know I’ve done a lot of wrong to you before,” Ali replied with regret.

Mak Minah was silent for a moment. The past that he had long forgotten now resurfaced, bringing with it mixed feelings. However, he knows, a second chance may only come once. And maybe, this is the time for him to find the happiness he’s been looking for.

“Ali, I have changed a lot since then. I’m not sure if I can go back to the way I was before,” said Mak Minah, trying to calm her feelings.

“I understand, Minah. But I have changed too. I want to start a new life and I hope you can give me a chance,” answered Ali with a hopeful tone.

Mak Minah was silent, thinking about everything that had happened. He knows, old love doesn’t necessarily die, but can grow back, if given a chance.

Perhaps, this is the time for him to let go of unrequited love and find true happiness.

“Alright, Ali. I’ll give you a chance. But we start from the beginning, slowly,” answered Mak Minah finally, with a heart full of new hope.

After that call, Mak Minah felt that her burden was getting lighter. He knows, his life is now at a new crossroads.

He has let go of an impossible love and is now ready to turn over a new chapter. The love behind the kitchen door may never materialize, but a new love may be waiting out there, in an unexpected place.

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