Men insult group homophobically and hit


Three men on e-scooters are said to have insulted another group in Kreuzberg with homophobic remarks and become violent. The state security service responsible for politically motivated crimes has taken over the investigation.

According to the police’s current findings, three men rode past a group of people on e-scooters on Skalitzer Straße at around 2 a.m. The trio shouted homophobic insults and then returned to the group. According to the police, one of the three men, who has so far remained unidentified, is said to have hit a 26-year-old on the back of the head. When a 25-year-old intervened, all three e-scooter riders are said to have hit and kicked him.

They then fled on their electric scooters. The police were able to catch two suspects aged 19 and 20. The 19-year-old resisted arrest, injuring one officer but being able to continue his duties, it was said. According to the police, the two victims did not require medical treatment based on the information available so far.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240908-930-226816/1

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