Let’s celebrate Maulud together Gem Media Online


By Yusrin Junaidi, Sim YH & Daniel Lim –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 8 – To further invigorate the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW’s birthday, the group Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (KKBS) attended the Dikir Ceremony at Az-Zakireen Mosque, Kampung RPN Meragang, which was run by the Brunei History Center, Language and Library Council and Community Development Department, yesterday.

Present as the leader of the group for the ceremony was the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad.

The ceremony started with Fardu Maghrib prayer in congregation, followed by the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by the Honorable Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports.

The event continued with Dikir Assalamualaika led by the Trained Religious Teacher of Az-Zakireen Mosque, Kampung RPN Meragang, Awang Mohd Zulfikri bin Murah and Dikir Khairuman/Dikir Badat by Firqah Al-Falaah Group, KKBS.

The ceremony ended with the congregational Fardu Isyak prayer, followed by the Marhaban Dikir and the Dikir Prayer recited by the Level II Imam of Az-Zakireen Mosque, Kampung RPN Meragang, Haji Shahbirin bin Haji Mohd Noor.

The Honorable Dato Seri Setia Haji Nazmi was present as the guest of honor at the Dikir Ceremony at Az-Zakireen Mosque, Kampung RPN Meragang. – PICTURES SUBMITTED BY KKBS
Haji Mohammad Rosli, Awang Misle and others present during the KHEU-run ceremony. – PHOTO BY DANIEL LIM
Haji Abdul Rajid during the dirking ceremony with the converts which took place at the Religious Activities House in Kampung Bebuloh. – PHOTOS OF PDI DELIVERY
Members of the Al-Mudarisah Kampung Sungai Buloh Women’s Bureau Group during the celebration of the Maulud Dikir. – PHOTO BY YUSRIN JUNAIDI
Dr Haji Azman took many pictures with the congregation present during the ceremony. – PICTURES OF IBTE SUBMISSIONS

While the Prayer for the Protection of the Sultan and the Nation of Brunei Darussalam was read by the Affairs Officer of the Az-Zakireen Mosque, Kampung RPN Meragang, Haji Nurhidayatullah bin Haji Zulkifilee.

Also present were the Permanent Secretary (Youth), Haji Zakaria bin Haji Serudin, directors of divisions and departments, officers and staff of KKBS and departments under him.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Education did not miss holding a similar ceremony that took place at Kampung Pelambayan Mosque recently.

Present as the guest of honor at the event was the Permanent Secretary (Higher Education), Ministry of Education, Dr Haji Azman bin Ahmad.

Also present were the Vice-Chancellor of Brunei Darussalam University, Rector of Islamic University Sultan Sharif Ali, heads of departments, officials and staff of the Ministry of Education as well as members of the Kampung Pelambayan Mosque Takmir Committee.

The event was preceded by the handing over of waqf donations from Ministry of Education officials and staff completed by Dr Haji Azman to the Chief Imam of Kampung Pelambayan Mosque, Haji Muhamad Aminuddin bin Haji Puteh, followed by Fardu Maghrib prayers in congregation.

The ceremony continued with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by Dr Haji Azman as the beginning of the reading of Dikir Khairuman, followed by the recitation of Dikir Marhaban and ended with the Prayer of Dikir and the Prayer for the Protection of the Sultan and the State of Brunei Darussalam led by Haji Muhamad Aminuddin.

Whereas Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU) held a Dikir Maulud ceremony at the STKRJ Mosque, Lorong Tiga Selatan Seria, Belait.

Leading the delegation was the Permanent Secretary of KHEU, Haji Mohammad Rosli bin Haji Ibrahim, who was accompanied by officers and staff from divisions and departments under KHEU.

Also present were the Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary (Administration and Finance) at KHEU, Awang Misle bin Haji Abdul Karim; Acting Belait District Officer, Haji Amirol Hafidzin bin Haji Muhammad; and Belait District Chief Religious Officer, Awang Mohd Aliyani bin Ismail.

The event started with Fardu Maghrib prayer in congregation, followed by Surah Al-Fatihah led by Haji Mohammad Rosli. A simple Tazkirah titled Many Blessings on the Messenger of Allah then delivered by Awang Khaliq bin Kamree from the Islamic Dakwah Center (PDI).

The ceremony continued with the recitation of Dikir Assalamualaika, Dikir Bisyahrin, and the reading of Dikir Asyaraqal before ending with the recitation of Doa Peliharakan Sultan and Negara Brunei Darussalam by the imam of the mosque, Awang Mohammad Fakhri bin Haji Ibrahim.

Meanwhile, PDI, KHEU through the Convert Development Division (Empowerment of Converts) last night has enriched a group of pilgrims with converts located at the Religious Activities House in Kampung Bebuloh.

The rickety group was led by the Director of PDI, Haji Abdul Rajid bin Haji Mohd Salleh.

The ceremony began with Fardu Maghrib prayer in congregation led by Bilal Rumah Kegiatan Ugama Kampung Bebuloh, Awang Saiful bin Haji Sofian followed by the reading of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah.

Next is the tazkirah entitled A sign of my love for you, O Messenger of Allah presented by the Religious Development Officer, Dayang Siti Syuhaidah binti Haji Mohd Yusoff.

While 30 members Al-Mudarisah Kampung Sungai Buloh Women’s Bureau Group consisting of villagers and families also fueled the recent Maulud remembrance celebration at the home of Pengiran Hajah Dismani binti Pengiran Haji Metussin.

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