STJ PGGMB Madang visited the fire station


By Sim YH

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 9 SEPT – With the aim of providing exposure to students about the responsibilities, duties and roles of Fire and Rescue personnel, Year 1, 2 and 3 students of Tunas Jaya School PGGMB Madang had a study visit to the Rimba Fire Station. , recently.

The group of students and teachers were welcomed by officers and members of Fire and Rescue at the Rimba Fire Station.

During the visit, the group was given a briefing by one of the firemen and rescuers. Information on the uniforms of firefighters and rescuers, how to hold fire extinguishers and demonstrations of rescue operations were also given to the group members.

In addition, members of the group were also given advice and information on the actions they should take in the event of a fire.

Among the activities during the group.
Pictures of many students and teachers during the visit. – PICTURE SUBMITTED STJ PGGMB MADANG.

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