Star conductor: Gardiner performs with new choir


World premiere in the Elbphilharmonie: After decades as director of the Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras (MOC) he founded, the British conductor Sir John Eliot Gardiner (81) will be appearing for the first time in the Elbphilharmonie (often called Elphi for short) with his newly founded ensembles – on December 7, one week before his old choir.

This is the first worldwide performance of the new ensemble called The Constellation Choir & Orchestra, said a spokesman for the concert hall.

Further performances are planned at the Vienna Konzerthaus (December 9th), the Philharmonie Luxembourg (December 11th) and the Konzerthaus Dortmund (December 12th).

Gardiner resigned from his position as director of the Monteverdi Choir in July. There had previously been reports that he lost his temper at a concert and slapped a singer for leaving the wrong side of the stage. Gardiner apologized and said at the time that he had no plans to retire.

The Elphie has now informed buyers of tickets for the concert on December 14 that the Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Soloists will not be conducted by Gardiner, but by the French baroque specialist Christophe Rousset.

Sir John Eliot Gardiner will still come to the Elbphilharmonie and perform with his newly founded ensembles a week earlier (on December 7th).

In the Great Hall, The Constellation Choir & Orchestra played the same program, as well as the Christmas cantatas by Bach and the “Messe de minuit” by Charpentier. Anyone who wanted to change their tickets could do so.

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