Several charges filed after pro-Palestinian motorcade


Ten criminal charges have been filed following a pro-Palestinian motorcade through Berlin on Sunday. The police are investigating charges including breach of the peace, dangerous bodily harm, resistance to law enforcement officers and the use of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations, the authorities announced. 21 demonstrators were temporarily arrested. The parade was broken up early by the police.

The police were deployed with around 370 officers. Two of them were injured, but were able to continue their duties. At the intersection of Leipziger Strasse and Markgrafenstrasse, an innocent person was hit by a bottle that was thrown from the parade, but was uninjured. Some participants climbed onto the roofs of cars. The parade included around 300 demonstrators and 125 cars.

35 demonstrators took part in a rally at Wittenbergplatz under the motto “Solidarity with Israel and the IDF” (IDF stands for “Israeli Defense Forces”). The protest passed without incident.

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