Only little nudism left in Brandenburg’s tourism


Naked at the lake or on the Baltic Sea beach: especially in the GDR era, the sight of naked people in holiday regions was nothing unusual. More than 30 years after reunification, “nudism” no longer plays a major role, at least in Brandenburg.

“If you look at the tourist offering in Brandenburg as a whole, the topic of nudism is rather underrepresented,” said a spokesman for Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH when asked.

The spokesman said that nudism is not something that is being targeted to attract tourists to Brandenburg. “Brandenburg is particularly popular with guests in summer because of its natural areas, its offers for families, couples and singles, the water and the opportunities for cycling and hiking.”

If you look, you will find nudist offers

It is difficult to say how many nudist facilities there are in Brandenburg, the spokesman added. “Unfortunately, we do not have any reliable information on this topic; unfortunately, we do not have any data on it.”

However, there are still offers for the nudist community scattered throughout the country. There are specially designated nudist areas at Lake Beetz near Brandenburg an der Havel and at Lake Tonsee (Dahme-Spreewald district), among others.

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