NZ proposes World Suicide Prevention Day


WELLINGTON, SEPT 10 – New Zealand (NZ) proposed World Suicide Prevention Day today in light of the ‘unacceptably’ high youth suicide rate, according to Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey.

“I am very concerned about the increasing level of mental stress among our young people,” said Doocey, adding that there are still gaps that need to be addressed to strengthen the country’s suicide prevention and control system.

Consultations to shape the government’s draft suicide prevention action plan over the next five years were launched to mark World Suicide Prevention Day at an event in Parliament, witnessed by many people “who are making a difference for families and communities across New Zealand,” he said. said, adding that the current action plan will expire at the end of this year.

Actions in the draft plan aim to increase access to suicide prevention and post-prevention support, increase the workforce capable of supporting those at risk of or affected by suicide and also focus on prevention and early intervention through better research and data collection. , added the minister. – Xinhua

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