Homelessness: Social services: More homelessness among women


From the perspective of social services, homelessness among women has become significantly worse. “It’s getting worse,” Janka Haverbeck, a member of the board of trustees of the Koepjohann Foundation, told the German press agency dpa. Due to the general lack of housing, it is much more difficult for women in need in particular to find an apartment.

According to the Diakonie, the problem is increasingly affecting women, children and families. “There is an urgent need for more women-specific services such as the Tieckstrasse residential and counseling center in the entire assistance system,” said Diakonie director Ursula Schoen. “Especially with children, accommodation in assisted living is hardly possible.”

Demand is high

The residential and counseling center for women in need is celebrating its fifth anniversary on September 11th, the day of the homeless. Women in need can find shelter there: up to 34 women and children can live temporarily in apartments run by the Diakonisches Werk. The Koepjohann Foundation also runs the Marie emergency shelter for up to 10 women. In addition to the opportunity to stay there, shower, wash and get something warm to eat, women can also get social advice in both facilities.

The demand has been high over the past five years, said the Diakonie and the foundation. 500 women have used the emergency overnight accommodation offered by Marie, 106 women and their children have been accommodated in the apartments and have received advice. From both facilities together, 51 women have been placed in their own apartments.

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