“Can’t carry my own children”


US actress and singer Selena Gomez talks about her inability to become a mother for health reasons. “I’ve never said this before, but unfortunately I can’t carry my own children,” the 32-year-old told Vanity Fair magazine. “I have many medical problems that would put my life and that of the baby in danger.” She had to grieve for some time.

She feels blessed that there are wonderful people who are willing to facilitate surrogacy or adoption. “I’m really grateful that there are other options for people who love to be mothers.” She continued: “I’m one of those people. I’m excited to see what this journey will look like, but it will look a little different.”

Gomez was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease lupus in 2013, which affected her kidneys. In 2017, she had to undergo a kidney transplant – the organ was donated by a friend.

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