Sherrod Brown has been fighting for pension fairness for teachers, firefighters since 2015


After my husband passed away in December, I visited the Social Security office to discuss my widow’s benefits. I was shocked to learn that my $935 monthly widow’s benefits would be reduced to $75 a month because I also receive a State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) pension for my 9.5 years of public school teaching. This reduction is regulated by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). In addition, I was gleefully notified by the Social Security administrator that any STRS cost-of-living increases would further whittle away at my $75 benefit. In August, I received a notice from Social Security asking me to report any STRS cost-of-living increases.

Sen. Sherrod Brown has recognized the unfairness of the WEP to hundreds of thousands of Ohioans who have worked as teachers, firefighters, and other public servants. As Sen. Brown explained in an email to me, “Employees who work hard and follow the rules should not be penalized with lower benefits because of earned pension income.” He has introduced the bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act in each Congress since 2015. This legislation would restore full Social Security benefits and remove harmful policies. Sen. Sherrod Brown fights for working people, and he deserves our vote.

Bambi Vargo,


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