Preacher for freedom and peace


You don’t have to be loud to be brave. You have to be smart to act bravely. And yes, you have to bring it out from within yourself: the courage to stubbornly challenge life.

Friedrich Schorlemmer was someone who always lived this out. And who gave many people new courage – with his clever manner as a pastor and speaker, as a preacher and activist, as a voice of peace and freedom, as an anchor of hope not only in East Germany for the good in people, even if it sometimes lies quietly hidden.

He believed in the impossible: a democratic GDR

Now Friedrich Schorlemmer has died, quietly withdrawn into a nursing home in Berlin-Spandau. Two years ago he made his suffering from dementia and Parkinson’s public, vacated his house in Wittenberg and left many memories of his beloved church in order to retire from life. He was 80 years old. Many moments in the book of German contemporary history remain connected to him.

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