Chancellor accuses CDU leader Merz of lack of leadership


Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has Termination of asylum talks by the Union made serious allegations against CDU leader Friedrich Merz. “I can only say: Getting out of this round, that was already decided. And that is embarrassing for those who are responsible for this,” said Scholz on Tuesday evening at an event organized by the so-called Seeheimer Circle of the SPD parliamentary group in Berlin.

Leadership looks differentCharacter, honesty and firmness are needed for this country and not such small Sleight of hand and provincial acting“, said the SPD politician: “Leadership means leadership, among your own people. Leadership means not running away. And leadership means being able to make compromises.” But you have to want to do that.

Merz had already broken off talks with the federal and state governments on this issue last year. The CDU leader had thought about it for three days and then said he had no desire and walked away. Now the opposition leader has reported publicly on a confidential conversation with him and then Talks with the government announced – which he has now left again. This is a shame, because the Federal President had also previously called for joint solutions between the government and the opposition.

At the same time, Scholz announced that the traffic light government would implement the additional measures presented by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Tuesday for more effective border management and more rejections even without the Union. Proposals have been presented that are effective and in line with European law. They will remain cosmopolitan and at the same time tackle the challenges of irregular migration.

Scholz and Merz will meet on Wednesday in the general debate on the 2025 federal budget. (Reuters)

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