Few interesting roles for women over 40


Actress and comedian Annette Frier (50) believes that the film and television industry does not offer enough exciting roles for middle-aged women. “It is not a rumour or a cliché that women over 40 receive drastically fewer interesting offers,” said Frier in an interview with Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). She believes that everyone “who knows the industry a little bit” knows that.

The Cologne native is nevertheless optimistic about the future: “There is movement there too and a lot is changing in society. In this respect, there is reason to hope that I will be able to continue to play good roles.” As a positive example of the further development of the industry and also of society, Frier cited the fact that the topic of menopause is now “on everyone’s lips”, whereas it was previously taboo or downplayed.

Despite her fame, 50-year-old Frier is not always fully occupied: “I have never experienced projects being spread out over the year. Nothing happens for months and then everything comes crashing down like a thunderstorm,” said the actress. “I also sit at home for long periods of time twiddling my thumbs.”

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