Parts of the Carola Bridge in Dresden collapsed


Part of the Carola Bridge – one of the traffic arteries into Dresden – collapsed into the Elbe during the night. According to the situation center, the pedestrian and cycle path as well as the tram tracks are affected. According to the Dresden fire department, the damage is 100 meters long. Two district heating pipes were damaged and hot water is leaking out.

No one injured

According to current information, no one was injured. The Dresden public transport company said that there was no tram on the bridge. This meant that passengers and vehicles were not injured. Lines 3 and 7 therefore run on the bridge every hour on weekdays, including at night.

According to the information, the southern half of the bridge, which spans the Terrassenufer street and a section of the Elbe, is affected by the collapse. According to the fire department, a gap of around one meter has formed at the bridgehead on the side of the old town. District heating pipes are also damaged. “District heating is currently out in the entire city,” the fire department said. Due to the escaping water, parts of the Terrassenufer are completely under water.

Collapse around 3:00 a.m.

It is still unclear how parts of the bridge came loose at around 3 a.m. The Carola Bridge is one of the most important traffic bridges in Dresden. The area was cordoned off. “We ask the public to avoid the area and not to hinder the emergency services,” asked a fire department spokesman.

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It was still relatively quiet in the area early in the morning. However, significant disruptions are to be expected during rush hour, and trams and car traffic are being diverted. The federal waterway is closed, the police said, as are the Elbe cycle path and the terrace bank. “Experts from the individual trades, the city administration and all partners involved are currently meeting to discuss the next steps,” the fire department said.

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