“Sad year after year” about Oscar awards


US actress Halle Berry follows the Oscars year after year with great displeasure, as she reports. “I am deeply upset that no black woman has received the Oscar for best actress after me,” the 58-year-old told the magazine “Marie Claire”. This makes her “sad year after year”. “And that is certainly not because no one deserves it.”

In 2002, Berry became the first black woman to win the Oscar for Best Actress for her performance in the drama “Monster’s Ball.” At the time, she said tearfully: “Tonight opened a door.” But since then, no other black woman has been honored as Best Actress.

At the same time, however, an award is not everything, stressed Berry: “Would I rather have awards or a great, stable and up-and-coming career as a black woman? I would choose a steep career over an award any day.” Her new thriller “Never Let Go” will be released on September 26.

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