Black-Green in NRW agrees on major security package


Almost three weeks after the terrorist attack in Solingen The black-green coalition government of North Rhine-Westphalia has agreed on a comprehensive security package. more police powers and stricter deportation rules “We are following our words with actions,” said NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) in the state parliament. “We will Expand the powers of our security authorities.”

In Solingen had On August 23, a man killed three people with a knife and injured eight others at a city festival. The suspected perpetratorsa 26-year-old Syrian, is in custody. He should have been deported last year, but this failed. The Terrorist group Islamic State had then attack for themselvest.

More rights in searches and use of artificial intelligence

The reform package in NRW consists of dozens of measures such as a Strengthening the Office for the Protection of the Constitutionthe Increased surveillance of potential extremists and a better data exchange between authoritiesWüst spoke of a double turning point, because after the attack in Solingen For the first time, a right-wing extremist party has become the strongest force in a state parliamentThe state cabinet approved the security package on Tuesday.

Among other things, the Investigators have more rights when searching for radical Islamists on the Internet get for the Artificial intelligence is also used should be. The Powers of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in telecommunications surveillance should strengthened So he should Access to encrypted messenger services receive. (dpa)

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