Bicycles are provided to schools ahead of the RA Prime Minister’s Cup off-road cycling tournament


YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 11, ARMENPRESS. In order to popularize cycling and a healthy lifestyle in the republic, to promote physical education and sports among schoolchildren, on September 28-29, a 20 km road section of the Shoghakat community of Gegharkunik marz will be held the amateur cycling tournament “RA Prime Minister’s Cup”. “Armenpress”According to the report, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia issued a message about this.

In order to organize the tournament and to carry out preparatory work by schoolchildren, the delivery of bicycles to the secondary, high schools and colleges of the RA marzes and the city of Yerevan began on September 6. As of September 11, bicycles were distributed to public educational institutions of Armavir (198 pcs), Aragatsotn (168 pcs), Kotayk (138 pcs), Vayots Dzor (68 pcs) and Gegharkunik (194 pcs) marzes.

The process of supplying and distributing bicycles in other regions of the Republic of Armenia continues.

The tournament is held between collective teams of 10-12th grade students of RA public educational institutions.

The teams of secondary, high schools and colleges of the RA marzes and the city of Yerevan can participate in the 1st stage of the tournament, which will be held on September 20-25, and in the 2nd stage, the teams that took the 1st-3rd places in the 1st stage can participate in the final stage. collective teams of schools or colleges (in the team: 1 boy, 1 girl).

On September 28, the participants must come to the competition with the bicycles provided to the school. Each participant is obliged to present his bike to the technical inspection committee at the start and finish.

The school teams and participants who won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the final round will be awarded with certificates, cups, medals and cash prizes of the appropriate category of the KGMSN. The 1st place school will be awarded 4,000,000 AMD, 2nd place – 2,500,000 AMD, 3rd place – 1,500,000 AMD.

Physical education teachers of the school will also be awarded: 1st place – 700,000 AMD, 2nd place – 500,000 AMD and 3rd place – 300,000 AMD. Students of the winning cycling teams will also be awarded cash prizes. 1st place: 2 participants: AMD 150,000 each, 2nd place: 2 participants: AMD 100,000 each, 3rd place: 2 participants: AMD 75,000 each (taxes, duties and mandatory fees are not included) :

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