Woidke for permanent border controls for Brandenburg


Does Brandenburg need permanent border controls? The majority of the leading candidates of the Brandenburg parties who took part in an election discussion panel voted “yes” to the question – including Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) and the parliamentary manager of the AfD parliamentary group, Dennis Hohloch. Only the Green Party’s leading candidate Antje Töpfer and the Left and FDP leading candidates Sebastian Walter and Zyon Braun rejected permanent border controls. The leading candidates Jan Redmann (CDU), Robert Crumbach (BSW) and Péter Vida (Free Voters) also agreed. The yes/no question was asked during a discussion with the “Märkische Allgemeine” newspaper in the hall of the Potsdam Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has ordered that there will be stationary controls at all land borders from Monday. This applies to France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Faeser had already ordered such controls for the land borders with the Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland – and therefore also Brandenburg – last October and notified the EU Commission. They are not actually planned in the Schengen area.

On September 22nd, a new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg. The discussion event on the election covered topics such as internal security and migration, as well as education, the economy, and war and peace.

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