Rapper Cardi B shows her third baby


Cardi B has become a mother for the third time. “The prettiest little thing,” the rapper wrote on Thursday in an Instagram post about her newborn daughter. The 31-year-old also posted several pictures of herself with her baby. The pictures also show that Cardi B’s daughter Kulture (6) and son Wave (3) have already met their sibling.

The pregnancy came at a time of personal turbulence: one day before she announced that she was expecting her third baby, the singer had filed for divorce from rapper Offset (32), with whom she had been married since 2017. However, the two musicians are reportedly still on good terms.

Rapper Offset with baby in his arms

Just a few days ago, the ex-couple celebrated their son’s third birthday together. In a short video, Offset could be seen next to his ex-wife’s bed – with the baby in his arms.

Among the first to congratulate her on Instagram were rapper Megan Thee Stallion and multiple Olympic gymnastics champion Simone Biles.

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