Pursue the dream of serving the country


By Sim YH –

The desire to pursue the dream of becoming a doctor and encouragement from not only both parents, but also his brother who is a recipient of a government scholarship abroad inspired Adrian Chong Rui Sern to study diligently and achieve excellent results until he was selected as one of the a recipient of a Domestic Special Scholarship to an International School.

Adrian Chong in a joint interview Gem Media during the scholarship awarding ceremony, recently, expressed appreciation to the government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam for the awarding of the scholarship which certainly gave him and other recipients the encouragement to continue working towards the level higher studies and help them start their journey towards their next destination in life.

He said that his brother, who was one of the recipients of the scholarship, became a motivation for him to strive to achieve excellent results so that he could receive a similar scholarship to continue his studies at an international school.

According to him, when he received the call that he was one of the recipients of the scholarship, Adrian Chong said he was very happy and excited to start a new learning journey at an international school and meet new school friends.

This scholarship, he commented, gave him the motivation to continue trying to achieve his dreams and taught him that his perseverance in learning will bear fruit and that all his efforts are not in vain.

Adrian Chong photographed with his parents who gave him a lot of encouragement. – PHOTO BY SIM YH
Dayang Najwa Batrisha stated that her late father was an inspiration and motivation for her to continue her studies abroad. – PHOTO BY SIM YH
The scholarship recipients have a lot of pictures. – PHOTO BY SIM YH

Adrian Chong further stated that he is very excited to continue his studies at an international school where it will give him the opportunity to participate in various activities and events that will not only mature him, but will also give him the confidence to face challenges, build strength in life skills and academically.

All that, he explained, will prepare him to achieve excellent results so that he can move forward in the next step of life, which is to explore the field of medicine and achieve his dream of becoming a doctor who will serve the country and society.

For him, every challenge he goes through is not an obstacle but rather sees it as an opportunity to better understand the challenge and strive to be better prepared to overcome it and overcome it in the future.

Adrian Chong further said that studying at an international school gave him the opportunity to not only focus on building academic knowledge, but also improve his mental and physical ability.

“It will build very important qualities such as discipline, respect and resilience.”

“Everyone should understand that in order to achieve something, we must have these qualities. Therefore, this scholarship contains many aspects and factors that contribute to the students in achieving what they want.”

Meanwhile, the recipient of the Government Scholarship Abroad, Dayang Najwa Batrisha binti Zul-Fadliy, who continued her studies at the University of Glasgow in the field of Genetics, expressed her gratitude to the Sultan’s government for awarding her a scholarship and the opportunity to gain knowledge and life skills where all that will be brought back to Brunei in the future.

All the experience and knowledge he gained, he added, will be able to help the country to achieve the Brunei Vision 2035.

His studies in the field of genetics will add to the field of knowledge that can be contributed to the country, especially in the field of health with the rapid development of genetic technology.

In addition, as a recipient of a government scholarship abroad, he understands the responsibility and trust given to him. Therefore, Dayang Najwa Batrisha expressed her desire to be a good representative of the country throughout her studies and hoped to bring back all the experience she gained to help the country.

Touching on the inspiration that drove her to become one of the scholarship recipients to study abroad, Dayang Najwa Batrisha said that her late father who had studied abroad gave her the desire to follow in his footsteps.

He said that his late father always told him about his experience studying abroad and the opportunity to gain knowledge and travel around the world was one of the experiences that helped him mature a lot.

All the challenges that his late father went through such as living abroad without family or known friends, he explained, although it was very difficult but all the sacrifices were worth it to pursue the ideals and dreams of learning something that we are interested in.

“I am very interested in the field of genetics and the award of this scholarship means a lot to me because I can gain knowledge about something I am interested in and bring it all back to Brunei.”

Dayang Najwa Batrisha said that continuing her studies abroad was a dream for her but serving her beloved country, Brunei Darussalam, was something more meaningful.

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