Wet and autumnally cool in Berlin and Brandenburg


People in Berlin and Brandenburg must prepare for a cool autumnal weekend with rain and cloudy skies. According to the German Weather Service in Potsdam, rain is expected in East and South Brandenburg and Berlin on Friday, with maximum temperatures of 16 degrees. In the direction of Lower Lusatia, temperatures are expected to be as low as 12 to 14 degrees. It will continue to rain in some areas of the south-eastern half of the country overnight.

With lots of clouds and rain in places in the east and south of Brandenburg, the autumn weather will continue on Saturday, even if the temperatures are slowly rising again. At around 17 degrees, it will even clear up occasionally. A partly fresh northwest to north wind will blow with occasional gusts. The sky will also be mostly cloudy on Sunday. With temperatures of up to 18 degrees, it will rain in some areas.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240913-930-231209/1

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