Damaged part of the Carola Bridge will be completely demolished


The emergency services are currently completely demolishing a section of the badly damaged Carola Bridge in Dresden. This is the part of which a 100-meter-long section collapsed into the Elbe on Wednesday night. The individual bridge elements were separated from one another and brought to collapse in a controlled manner, said fire department spokesman Michael Klahre. The fallen debris will be broken up and removed as quickly as possible. The two remaining sections of the bridge remain closed.

The approximately 400-meter-long Carola Bridge consisted of three parallel bridges. One of them had tram tracks and a cycle and pedestrian path. The other two had car tracks. During the night of Wednesday, part of the section with the tram tracks collapsed. No one was injured in the accident.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240913-930-231155/6

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