PDI celebrates Tutong night with Maulud


By Yusrin Junaidi

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 13 – In order to enliven the celebration and commemoration of the Prophet’s Maulidur, the Islamic Dakwah Center (PDI) through the Tutong District Dakwah Unit last night held a Rasul Loving Night Ceremony in conjunction with the Rasul’s Maulidur Celebration with converts and non-Muslims at the Tutong District Dakwah Unit Office.

The event was held with the aim of conveying Islamic teachings and education to the community, especially converts and non-Muslims, in addition to inviting people to appreciate and express their love for the Great Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.

Present as the guest of honor at the ceremony was the Acting Tutong District Officer, Awang Mohammad Sofian bin Haji Basri. Also present were Assistant Director of PDI, Awang Haji Ahmad Abdussalam bin Haji Abd Rahman; PDI officials and staff as well as converts and non-Muslims of the Tutong District.

The ceremony started with congregational Maghrib prayer followed by the recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar and the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by the guest of honor of the ceremony.

The ceremony was then graced with the titled tazkirah Why We Need to Love Rasulllah delivered by the Assistant Religious Development Officer, Tutong District Dakwah Unit Office, Dayang Hajah Siti Noraziah binti Haji Asli.

The next ceremony was followed by the performance of Selawat Tafijiyyah, Qasidah Tolama Ashku, Qasidah Ya Hanana and Dikír Asyragal. Then the Prayer for the Protection of the Sultan and the State of Brunei Darussalam was recited to bless the ceremony before concluding with the congregational Isha’ prayer.

The atmosphere around the event. – PICTURES_PICTURES SUBMITTED BY PDI TUTONG

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