Steinmeier criticizes threat to rescue workers


Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has criticized the increasing violence against paramedics, firefighters and other rescue workers during operations. “This is intolerable because they are doing a service to the country that others are not doing, especially those who sit in the corner of the sofa and moan,” said Steinmeier on ARD’s “Morgenmagazin”. These helpers therefore deserve to be singled out in particular.

Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender have invited around 4,300 volunteers from all over Germany to the Citizens’ Festival at Bellevue Palace this Friday – “people who don’t complain, but get to work,” as Steinmeier said on ARD. What unites these people is “the fact that they care about more than just themselves.” The Federal President stressed: “That deserves appreciation, that deserves respect.” The 4,300 volunteers invited to Bellevue Palace represent millions of committed people.

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