CDU plans further “option talks” with BSW and SPD


After the state elections in Thuringia, the CDU wants to Preliminary talks with the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) and the SPD There will be further “option talks” in the coming week, said a CDU spokesman on Friday in Erfurt. He also confirmed a meeting between Thuringian CDU chairman Mario Voigt and BSW founder Sahra Wagenknecht in Berlin.

The topics discussed included school cancellations, migration policy, reducing bureaucracy and foreign policy positions. The “Thüringer Allgemeine” newspaper had previously reported on the meeting. “The aim of the discussion was to Opportunities for constructive and pragmatic political cooperation that can achieve tangible improvements for the people of Thuringia and establish a new political culture,” the paper quoted a CDU spokesman as saying.

Shortly after the state elections on September 1, Voigt initiated informal “option talks” with the BSW and the SPD, below the threshold of official exploratory talks. The aim was to establish “substantive foundations” for possible further steps.

Due to the majority situation, the Forming a government in Thuringia difficultThe strongest party by far was the AfD, which the state’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution has classified as proven right-wing extremist, but none of the other parties want to form a coalition with it. The second strongest force was the CDU, ahead of BSW and the Left Party. The SPD also made it into the state parliament, However, the Greens and FDP did not make it.

The most likely scenario at present is Alliance of CDU, BSW and SPDThe parties have already held initial meetings. However, such a three-party coalition would be one vote short of its own majority, which is why it would be dependent on some kind of support from the Left Party.

The CDU has ruled out an alliance with the Left Party due to an incompatibility decision, as well as with the AfD. According to party sources, the CDU and the Left Party also met for talks this week.

The new BSW parliamentary group in the Thuringian state parliament met for its inaugural meeting on Thursday. State leader Katja Wolf was unanimously elected as parliamentary group leader. (AFP)

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