Official result of the state election in Saxony is final


After a Software glitch in calculating seat allocation in the new state parliament and disputes about manipulated ballot papers In some constituencies, the State Election Committee has now determined the final official result of the state election in Saxony. According to this, there are no further changes in the allocation of seatsThe CDU, as the winner of the election, has 41 seats, the AfD 40. This means that the AfD does not have a blocking minority in the new state parliament.

This is followed by the BSW with 15, the SPD with 10, the Greens with 7 and the Left with 6 seats. In addition, there is a direct mandate that the mayor of Grimma, Matthias Berger, won for the Free Voters.

The manipulated ballot papers found in some constituencies have already been rejected by the district election committees declared invalid They were therefore not included in the final election result, it was said. The state electoral committee in constituency 25 – Leipzig 1 decided to make a correction. This concerned an incorrect allocation of 32 list votes. However, this had no relevance to the mandate.

Those elected would now be notified by the state electoral officer and asked to declare in writing within one week whether they accept the election. The new state parliament must until 1 October constitute. (dpa)

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