Rafa Mir has to miss two games


After being accused of sexual aggression by a woman, professional footballer Rafa Mir has been banned from the Spanish first division club FC Valencia for two matches. He made this decision personally, said coach Rubén Baraja before the match between the bottom team in the Primera División and Atlético Madrid on Sunday evening.

After the 21-year-old woman filed a complaint, the center forward had to spend two nights behind bars before he was released on bail by the judge in charge a week and a half ago. The 27-year-old maintains his innocence. He and his lawyer stressed that the sexual acts were consensual.

Regardless of the upcoming clarification of the question of guilt by the courts, the club accuses the professional of at least indiscipline. The club management had nevertheless given permission for him to play. But the coach decided otherwise.

Coach: I should get a second chance

“As a coach, I believe that indiscipline must have consequences. Not only for him, but also for the good of the group,” said Baraja. He told the professional that the incident had been “a great disappointment” for him. But people can make mistakes. Mir will therefore be given a second chance.

Mir was reported by a 21-year-old woman. She said she had been raped by the professional footballer on September 1st in the footballer’s apartment in Valencia, as media reported, citing investigators. The woman said she had to be treated in hospital after the attack.

Mir is actually under contract with Sevilla FC, but was loaned to Valencia for one season. He took part in the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo with the Spanish selection. Spain reached the final but had to settle for the silver medal after a 2-1 loss to Brazil after extra time. Mir scored three goals in six matches.

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