Acting award for Franziska Hartmann in “Monster in the Head”


Franziska Hartmann and Johanna Gastdorf have been honored with the German Acting Award. Hartmann received the award for her role in “Monster in the Head,” as the Federal Association of Actors (BFFS) announced. Gastdorf was honored for her leading role in “Ehrer fliegen hier UFOs.” In the film, which revolves around a village on the Lower Rhine that is to make way for brown coal mining, Gastdorf plays Marita Baumann’s widow. After the death of her husband, she runs the family bakery together with her brother-in-law, his wife and their daughter.

Bjarne Mädel and Katrin Wichmann were honored in the “Duo” category for their performance in the ARD crime thriller “Sörensen catches fire”. Lore Stefanek received an award in the “Dramatic Supporting Role” category for her performance in “Schlamassel”. Kübra Sekin received the award in the “Strong Performance” category in “The Boss – Million Reasons”.

Some of the award winners were already known in advance. The honorary award for lifetime achievement went to the former “Tatort” star Charles Brauer (89). He has played in films such as “A Train to Manhattan”, “A Tooth for a Tooth” and “Love is the Best Medicine”. One of his best-known roles was that of “Tatort” detective Peter Brockmöller alongside Manfred Krug. He was also successful as a reader of all German audiobook versions of John Grisham’s thrillers.

The Inspiration Award went to EU politician Axel Voss (CDU) for his commitment to the creative industry.

The acting award is given in several categories by the Federal Association of Actors. The award was presented for the first time during the 2012 Berlinale. It is intended to honor people who have made a contribution to the development of the art of acting. This year, the award ceremony took place for the first time in the Club Theater Berlin at Potsdamer Platz. According to its own information, the Federal Association of Actors has around 4,300 members.

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