More citizens than expected want to change gender entry


After Adoption of the Self-Determination Act want to clearly more people change their gender entry than the federal government had expected. By the end of August, around 15,000 people According to a data analysis by the magazine “Spiegel” on Friday, no such change has been registered. In its draft bill, the traffic light coalition had expected around 4,000 cases per year.

The Federal Council approved the Self-Determination Act in May: Adult transsexual, intersex and non-binary In future, people will be able to change their gender with a simple declaration at the registry office. Law will not come into force until 1 November 2024However, those affected have been able to register with the registry offices since August 1st. After that, there is a three-month waiting period before the gender entry can actually be adjusted.

To evaluate the data, “Spiegel” asked 53 largely randomly selected municipalities for figures on these registrations. The sample included rural communities, small and large cities in both East and West Germany. The results were also weighted so that they correspond to the population distribution in Germany.

Converted to the population, according to the information, there are an average of 1.8 applications for gender reassignment per 10,000 inhabitantsIn larger cities, the number of registrations is above average, at 2.5. According to the projection, smaller cities and suburbs have 1.8 registrations per 10,000 inhabitants, which is the same as the national average. In rural areas, there are 0.9 registrations per 10,000 inhabitants. There are therefore no differences between East and West Germany.

Anyone who assumes a different gender must also a new first name choose if the old name does not fit the new gender. According to “Spiegel”, around 97 percent of applicants want to do this. Minors therefore make up around five percent of the applications received so far. (AFP)

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