Bridge collapse in Dresden: Carola Bridge: Work progressing well


The demolition and clearance work following the partial collapse of the Carola Bridge in Dresden is progressing well. “We are really working flat out against the clock,” said fire department spokesman Michael Klahre in the morning. The work continued uninterrupted during the night. “We are making pretty good progress.” The aim is still to have the clearance work completed by Sunday. “Because the water level is continuing to rise, and if this area is flooded, then we will no longer be able to work here,” explained Klahre, referring to the flooding expected for the Elbe.

On Friday evening, two German army recovery vehicles arrived on site to provide support. Klahre said he was grateful for that. “We are driving here on sight.” If the water level rises, it may be necessary to withdraw equipment. The ground is already muddy because of the rain, and equipment could get stuck. “That’s why the support of the German army is so incredibly important.”

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