BVG boss admits problems with new subway schedule in Berlin


The changes in the frequency of several subway lines did not work smoothly at the start. “We did have initial difficulties. That’s true,” said the CEO of Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Henrik Falk, the RBB “Abendschau” (Friday). But things have improved since then.

After the summer holidays, the BVG slightly changed the frequency of the U2, U9, U4, U1 and U3 to enable more reliable travel after there had been repeated delays. The subway fleet is considered to be outdated and there are frequent technical problems.

The subway urgently needs new vehicles

In Falk’s view, these are still not resolved. “We have an issue with the vehicles. We have an issue with the substance,” he said. The coming years are not about growth, but about stability: “We have to get stability into the system.”

New vehicles are essential for this. “The tender has been issued. The contracts have been awarded. Some of the vehicles have also been produced,” said the BVG boss. “We have already presented the first models. But there is still no binding delivery plan.” However, he expects that this will be available this year.

Delivery dates are not yet fixed

“The new vehicles will arrive next year. I can’t say exactly when at the moment,” said Falk. “None of us are happy about that. Until then, we have to make the best of the fleet we have. I can promise that.”

That is not what the people of Berlin expect. “But I also know many who say: ‘Okay, we understand that. The vehicles are not here yet, we expect you to make the best of it.’ We can do that.” (dpa)

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