Baerbock calls for solidarity ahead of Brandenburg election


Shortly before the state elections in Brandenburg, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) is calling for the democratic forces in the country to stick together. It is about “not allowing ourselves to be divided into ‘us against them’. Instead, we must stand together as democrats,” said Baerbock at the harvest festival in Drachhausen, Brandenburg.

The dividing line is “not between those born here and those who have moved here, not between eco or traditional,” but whether you stand with both feet on the ground of our constitution, says Baerbock. “Vote for a democratic party that treats others with the same respect as you would like to be treated yourself.”

On September 22nd, a new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg. With results of around five percent in recent polls, the Greens have to fear that they will not be re-elected to the state parliament.

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