Attack on private cars of Brandenburg Interior Minister


Two Private cars of Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) are on his property in Finsterwalde (Elbe-Elster district) smeared been.

The cars “used by him and his family” were damaged with a “still unidentifiable liquid,” a police spokeswoman said.

The police spoke of a Confession letterthe indicates a left-wing extremist backgroundIn a letter published on the left-wing platform Indymedia, the alleged perpetrators also gave the minister’s private address.

According to the letter, they want to replace Stübgen’s cars with Bitumen was attacked. This is an old mineral oil product, a very viscous, dark mixture. State security has taken over the investigation.

The letter also included a Reference made to the construction of a “deportation prison”A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry announced a statement for the next day.

At the capital airport BER An entry and exit centre for refugees is to be builtThe federal and state governments want to use the future facility jointly to speed up deportations, among other things. A private investor is to build the long-controversial entry and exit center in Schönefeld, and the state then wants to rent it.

The attack on the interior minister’s cars occurred immediately before the state elections in Brandenburg. A new state parliament is to be elected on September 22nd. (dpa/Tsp)

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