BR Volleys are in the final of the League Cup


The Berlin Volleys are in the final of the volleyball Bundesliga tournament for the League Cup in Hildesheim. As defending champions, the German champions won their semi-final match against SVG Lüneburg on Saturday after an all-round convincing performance with a clear 3:0 (25:22, 25:10, 25:19).

The American Jake Hanes was the most successful attacker in the Volleys with 15 points in front of 1,541 spectators. In the final on Sunday (6 p.m.), the Berliners will face the winner of the match between the Grizzlys Giesen and VfB Friedrichshafen.

The BR Volleys only had minor problems against Lüneburg in the first set, when they were trailing 19:21 at one point. But they were able to turn things around thanks to the strong serving of Hanes and Ruben Schott. “From the second set onwards we had everything under control,” said national player Moritz Reichert after the game. “We can be satisfied with our playing style overall.”

The Netzhoppers Königs Wusterhausen, meanwhile, had clearly won their placement game against ASV Dachau with 3:0 (25:20, 25:18, 25:11). Coach Liam Sketcher’s team will now face VC Bitterfeld-Wolfen on Sunday (12:00 p.m.) in the battle for ninth place.

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