Television: Stefan Raab: I’m doing shows again


Stefan Raab is returning to television. “I’ve thought: I’m going to do shows again,” said the entertainer on Saturday evening in Düsseldorf. “It starts next week.” He will be working for the streaming service RTL+ for at least the next five years. It starts next Wednesday. There is a million euros to be won every week. The name: “You won’t win the million here.”

Raab is returning after a long absence from the screen. In 2015, he largely withdrew from the public eye. Since then, he has been working behind the scenes. In 2018, he appeared in a stage show in Cologne, which was not broadcast on television.

Raab suffered his third defeat in the boxing ring against Regina Halmich on Saturday evening shortly before the announcement. The 57-year-old – well-trained and white-haired – was on the defensive and immobile from the start. Halmich (47) won on points. She complained: “You made it difficult for me. You didn’t show up once.” Raab countered: “I’m not a geriatric nurse. I’m an athlete.”

Long-time presenter Raab initially delayed his return to the screen at the show on Saturday evening and then allowed himself to be celebrated almost religiously by the audience.

It was the entertainer’s third encounter with former boxing world champion Halmich from Karlsruhe. Fists flew in 2001 and 2007. The Cologne native lost to the Karlsruhe native there too.

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