Police bring bride and groom to wedding reception after accident


A short drive shortly after saying “I do” ended with a couple in Upper Bavaria drinking champagne in a police bus. The patrol took the couple to their wedding reception in Garmisch-Partenkirchen after a car accident on the A95 on Friday afternoon, the police reported.

A car pulled in so close to the bride and groom’s car on the A95 near Murnau (Garmisch-Partenkirchen district) that the groom had to slam on the brakes. He lost control of the car because of the wet conditions and it slid into the grass verge. The couple were not injured. But the two 31-year-olds were stuck on the A95 without a drivable car.

A glass of champagne to calm your nerves

The police quickly helped: After recording the accident, a patrol not only took the couple to their party, the officers also stopped at a gas station and bought the newlyweds a small bottle of sparkling wine.

The car that was left behind was towed away. According to the police, the underbody was damaged and the damage was estimated at around 2,000 euros.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240915-930-232918/1

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